Billeterie en ligne
Online videos were digitized with the support of the Regional Council of
Nord / Pas-de-Calais and digitization plans 2009 and 2010 of the french Ministry of Culture.




BRAZIL, 2005, 00:30:00

Production : DILEMA STUDIO
Genre : Filmed action, Video art
Keyword : Relation, Homosexuality, Testimony

Summary :
Four transexuals are brought in to a hotel room on the same night. Each one of them is asked to lay down on a bed and interact in any way to a camera mounted on the ceiling. As the film progresses, their body movements and stories blend, overlap and echo themselves in a collage of multi-colored images. They share with the camera their fantasies, hopes, questionings and experiences in the streets of Sao Paulo.

puce to print

Original language : portuguese
Original format : video
Aspect ratio : 4/3
Chroma : Couleur
Available version(s) : Version originale portugaise, version originale portugaise sous-titrée en anglais et version originale portugaise sous-titrée en français

rental : 75 euros

Sale : 170 euros

Sale : 340 euros

puce order (temporary disposal of copys)

order (sale to corporate without loan of the copy)

puce order (Sale to corporate with permission to loan the copy)

Rental and sales of copies of the catalog are intended primarily for professionals (to cultural, educational stuctures and other associations), for more information read the section ordering