Brahim Bachiri
- Date : Né(e) en 1965
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BRAHIM BACHIRI, artiste marocain, voit le jour le 18 février 1965 à Sidi Boubeker (Maroc).
Agé de 19 ans, Brahim Bachiri quitte le Maroc pour la France. Il passe six ans à l'école des Beaux-arts de Tourcoing où il obtient un diplôme des Beaux-arts. Outre le diplôme national supérieur d'expression plastique, Brahim est également titulaire d'un diplôme d'études approfondies en Esthétique création artistique.
Artiste polymorphe, Brahim Bachiri s'intéresse tant à la peinture et la sculpture qu'à la vidéo dont il se sert pour occulter le corps, ses limites et ses possibilités. ).
Born in Eastern Morocco in a miners’ village, Sidi-Boukeber, which was formerly called Zellidja-Boukeber, which was quoted on the Stock Market and was founded by Jean Walter, who worked to develop French colonialism. Engages in amateur theatre from ten to twelve, in his father’s company. A friendly group of plastic arts professors (One was Moroccan, one Belgian, one French, one Rumanian and one Bulgarian) pushes him to get more and more involved in their field. The baccalaureate gives him his first access into the world of art. He leaves Morocco for France and chooses the Tourcoing School of Fine Arts. Fine Arts degree : High national degree of plastic expression. Graduate school in aesthetics, art and technology. Master’s degree. Bachelor’s degree. In residence at the M.A.J.T. in Lille in 1999 and at the Museum of Pont-Aven in 2000.