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8:00 p.m, Auditorium Palais des beaux arts, Lille

Experimental cinema

Light Cone presents films from their collection, one of the most precious and important collections of experimental films that exist in Europe. Christophe Bichon, programmer,  proposes us a selection around the dance.

- Thèmes et variations by Germaine Dulac (1928 / 16 mm / b&w / 9 min)

- Muratti gets in the act by Oskar Fischinger (1934 / 16 mm / col / 3 min)

- A study in choreography for camera by Maya Deren (1945 / 16 mm / b&w / 3 min)

- Adebar by Peter Kubelka (1956-1957 / 16 mm / b&w / 3 min)

- Kyldex condensé by Nicolas Schoffer (1973 / 16 mm / col / 3 min)

- Muntiny by Abigail Child (1982-1983 / 16 mm / b&w / 10 min)

- 3Part harmony : composition in RGB #1 by Amanda Dawn Christie (2006 / 16 mm / col / 6 min)

- Rien d’extraordinaire by Rose Lowder (2010 / 16 mm / col / 2 min)

- Little lieutenant by Henry Hills & Sally Silvers (1993 / 16 mm / col / 6 min)

- Synex & Yours by Jeffrey Scher (1997 / 16 mm / col / 7 min)

- The dance by David Rimmer (1970 / 16 mm / b&w / 5 min)

- Bertran Berrenger company - Enchainement niveau 1 & 3 by Bertran Berrenger (1995 / Beta SP / col / 4 min 45)

- Rotten sound by Francois Rabet (2008 / Mini DV / col / 1 min 24)

- Danse de la gitane au masque by Vincent Tricon (2011 /  Digital file on USB key / col / 7 min)

- Untitled1 by Masha Godovannaya (2005 / Mini DV / b&w / 4 min)

Contribution : 3 euros

Reservation by e-mail only :

Auditorium, 18 street of Valmy, Lille.

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