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Online videos were digitized with the support of the Regional Council of
Nord / Pas-de-Calais and digitization plans 2009 and 2010 of the french Ministry of Culture.


of LEITãO João Cristovão

2020, 00:13:39

Keyword : Homage, Poetry, Vision

Summary :
<em><strong>Aleph</strong></em>&nbsp;derives from an unlikely hypothesis: the possibility to meet the incommensurability and infinity of reality. Some of the space-time paradoxes of the literary and philosophical universes of Jorge Luis Borges (&ldquo;The Aleph&rdquo;, &ldquo;The Zahir&rdquo;, &ldquo;The God&rsquo;s Script&rdquo; and &ldquo;Book of Imaginary Beings&rdquo;) are transported and reinvented through a sound narrative that operates through oneiric accounts that (con)fuse themselves: dreams from which is not possible to wake up, vortexes that do no accept an exterior, glowing fishes that support the world, walls that are portals, mountains that are skies, moments that contain every moment, spaces that contain every space or mirrors through which it is possible to enter an exit.

puce to print

Technical information : Texts (based on) | Jorge Luis Borges - Architecture | Carolina Ubach Pereira & João Ribeiro Fonseca (Estudio JACA) - Sound design | Miguel Fernandèz (drums) e Ricardo Remédio (electronic) - Sound spatialization | João Santos - Sound recording and mixing | Francisco Duque (Estúdio Camaleão) - Voice-over recording | Manuel Tentúgal - Image | Victor Ferreira (VIDEOLOTION) - Image post-production | Miguel Leitão - Multimedia and light | Rodrigo Pereira
Aspect ratio : HD – 1920X1080
Chroma : Couleur
Available version(s) : Version originale portugaise sous-titrée anglais et version originale portugiase sous-titrée français

rental : 50 euros

puce order (temporary disposal of copys)

Rental and sales of copies of the catalog are intended primarily for professionals (to cultural, educational stuctures and other associations), for more information read the section ordering