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of PLUVINAGE Justine

FRANCE, 2014, 01:13:00

Genre : Documentary, Creative documentary
Keyword : Love, Relation, Sexuality, Alterity

Summary :

From a marriage proposal to a broken condom, Fucking in love is an intimate journey based in New York, in the search of love and desire. A journey in flesh and emotion where submitting oneself to the other ignites an affirmation of the self.
The film originates from a break up and becomes a means to understand and to discover how we deal with sexuality, with love, with couples and with relationships. A protocol is set : have sex with men and film them just after making love ; in this, a staggering quest filled with desire.

« April 19th, 2011. I land in New York for a trip of two months and a half. A few months before, I left the man with whom I spent 9 years of my life, from 18 to 27. He was my first lover and remained the only one all these years.
He used to tell me that love didn’t exist, that living together came under the intelligence of being together, and that breaking up was then just a confession of stupidity.
With him I discovered sexuality through the prism of pathos, far from play and pleasure. And with the years, it became a mechanical exercise that we would docilely share.
Despite it all, that relationship was bringing me a certain kind of stability and, I believe, enabled me to avoid getting confronted to men’s desire and love.
Leaving him meant setting me free from the intellectual influence he had on me, and above all giving importance to my sensitivity, to my own way of enjoying life, of enjoying people.
After 9 years, I left him.

After that break-up, I am submerged by an incredible euphoria and libido. I discover what desiring and being desired really mean. That trip is a quest, a way of asserting myself as a woman driven by sexual urges: daring to want to fuck, to suck, to want to penetrate, daring to love cocks, assuming masturbation, advocating the pleasure of the flesh for the sake of itself. »