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Dupont Chantal

Dupont Chantal

born in 1942

media artist, photographer, painter, sculptor, graphic designer, teacher, visual artist, writer

Chantal duPont is a multidisciplinary artist in Media art who has participated for the past 30 years in numerous international video art festivals, as well as in individual and collective exhibitions in Canada and abroad.
Her artwork is mainly based on identity, memory, autobiography and new forms of narratives related to audio-video practices and new media. She is presently developing an interactive model of audio-video script writing from documents collected on the WEB.
Her latest online artwork is based on the process of archiving and recycling love stories from WEB surfers as a mean of interactive script writing.
In her video practice of installation, she combines moving images, sound, photographic archives and fragments of stories that question the space between reality and fiction. Body language is also part of her approach to video writing.


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